Tim Wrathall of Beach Road Design commissioned us to make a demonstration prototype of his Asinka Animal drainer. The model was built to create a short proof-of-concept demonstration video, from various SLS and laser cut components with a vibrant and durable paint finish.

Small items such as baby bottles or wine glasses can sit in the drainer, and excess water drips out of the creature’s nose into the sink. The modular drainer, which will be available in a range of colours, can be completely disassembled to allow for hygienic cleaning in a dishwasher; this feature allows users to assemble a multi-coloured psychedelic Asinka Animal. Head over to Tim’s Kickstarter page for more information.
Demonstration prototype models are invaluable as sales tools for wowing potential investors and bringing a product to market. Some of the other success stories we’ve had the pleasure of being involved with are the Myyfeed bottle and the Pourty.