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engineering cutaway display model
cutaway display model
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This cutaway display model is largely 3D printed; only the outer sleeve was hand-fabricated, with the impellers and other internal structures created in-house on our Objet machine. The combination of a high level of accuracy and speed allowed us to focus on creating smooth, highly graphic surface finishes for the colour-coded components, and ensured that the hand-finished parts fitted snugly together in their assembly.

This cutaway display model is intended to show the internal mechanisms and principles of the SPX Flow Technology CEP unit. While it is a near exact recreation of a production unit, the pump is presented here almost as a technical illustration in three dimensions. This allows important and innovative features of the design to be effectively highlighted and explained to the audience.

We have made a range of models of this nature which have proven to be particularly successful in exhibitions, trade shows and industrial events, notably the Large Chemical Injection Package (also for SPX Flow Technology), and a cutaway of the BMT Defence Services Vidar® – 7.

This model was one of three models we made for SPX Flow technology, the others being the FT Section model, which followed the same cutaway model format and colour scheme, and the Continuous Processing Model, an extremely intricate 3D printed display model.

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