Built for BBC Features, the Dino Clock features in Andy’s Dinosaur Adventures as he travels back through time. Our prop making team rapidly fashioned an old-school Grandfather clock from lightweight composite material, and used various art working tricks to create a realistic aged varnish effect. We were able to cram in extra details such as ammonite end-scrolls and dinosaur zodiac clock face, and a pterodactyl on a pop-out cuckoo mechanism.
The full-sized grandfather clock model is nearly two and a half metres tall, and combines the cutting-edge convenience of our CNC machine, the traditional hand-painting techniques of our art workers, and the skills of our temporal engineers to create a working time machine.
Amalgam has a strong history of creating outstanding props and sets for television and film, being situated near the headquarters of several of the UK’s household names in animation and film making. Head to Our Work to see some of the props we’ve provided over the years.