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The Giant Radio for BBC Radio Cymru is covered in plenty of crisp details that bring it life, including a CNC’d speaker grill and turning front dial. After being rapidly assembled by our setbuilding team, the BBC Giant Radio was finished with handpainting trickery to create a wood grain effect.


This model is a bold piece of setbuilding, and demonstrates that modelmaking is not necessarily always concerned with the very small; sometimes we are asked to make truly huge objects. Previous projects where size matters include the Laryngeal Mask, the range of 60’s setpieces for Green Room Retail, and the Big Wallace. Projects on the larger end of the scale tend to be made as part of a media production or a marketing event, where something eye catching and spectacular can grab the attention of potential customers and clients. As well as fabrication, we offer a complete transportation and installation service for such big constructions.


The BBC Giant Radio can be seen in a series of adverts for BBC Radio Cymru, where members of the public interact with it.

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