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Western Power Distribution – sixth Energy Display Interactive Completed

Recently Amalgam modelmakers completed the sixth in a series of energy display interactive models for Western Power Distribution. The series of models formed part of Project F.A.L.C.O.N (Flexible Approaches for Low Carbon Optimised Networks), a project led by Western Power Distribution. The project will test six alternatives to reinforcement, to see how they work in practice. Ultimately FALCON will provide guidance so that network planners can select the best technique from a range of options. Four of the options are based around novel engineering approaches and two are based around changing energy users’ behaviour. The energy display interactives were designed to demonstrate this range of techniques in an engaging manner whilst maintaining a very clean and sleek look.
The image above is our designers sketch for one of the six designs built, by clicking the link you can find out more in our Energy Display Interactives case study on the main website.
We built these models from the ground up, beginning with only a written brief about what the models needed to show. From here we designed and fabricated every aspect of the models, drawing them up in various CAD packages and working right through to programming the internal micro-controllers. A combination of sleek design, considered electronics and traditional architectural model making skills made this project a joy to work on, and we relished every stage of the process from design, to manufacture and assembly.