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Amalgam gains Cyber Essentials Certificate

Bristol-based Amalgam Modelmaking has once again gained their Cyber Essential Certification.
After verification of their self-assessment against the Cyber Essentials Standard, assessors BIP Solutions Ltd confirmed that Amalgam met the standards for the scheme. The certification was hence renewed in August this year.

Joe Preston, Senior Account Manager at Amalgam says. “We are very proud of the standards of work we achieve at Amalgam. Certification like this assures our customers that we take cyber security very seriously and maintain a high level of compliance.” Joe goes on to say “We were assessed as meeting the Cyber Essentials implementation profile [BIS/14/696/1.5] and thus, at the time of testing, our ICT defences were assessed as satisfactory against commodity based cyber-attack”.
See Amalgam’s entry on the QG Cyber Essentials Register where you can also find a copy of the certificate (PDF). See also the National Register of Cyber Essentials Certified Companies for more details.