Meet Mike Quarry, one of Amalgam’s engineers working on all sorts of projects. He’s been…
Ambulance Medical Training Aid at University of South Wales, Pontypridd

The Ambulance Simulator is designed to be an interactive medical training aid and environment for paramedic staff and students. As such the interior includes all the typical features found inside an ambulance, and is, as far as possible, a faithful replication of a real ambulance interior with such features as non-slip flooring, the modular storage system which lines the walls and positionable chairs. It was recently installed at the University of South Wales.
Our exhibition and display team were able to quickly fabricate the medical training aid by cutting the bulk of the panel work on our CNC machine. This enabled us to block out the internal dimensions of the ambulance and populate it with the equipment, facilities and supplies that would be used in a real emergency situation.
We have a strong tradition of projects used in medical and care contexts. These have included innovative product designs such as the Hydrant bedside drinking aids, the Myyfeed baby feeding bottle, and the Tube Anchor, which was developed in house. The ambulance simulator will serve as a crucial learning tool for emergency situations and in teaching the correct medical protocol under these conditions.