Meet Mike Quarry, one of Amalgam’s engineers working on all sorts of projects. He’s been…
Come and talk Product Prototyping at Venturefest 2013

Venturefest Bristol 2013
Is, once again, organised by Science City Bristol in partnership with the Technology Strategy Board. This years event is taking place on Thursday 14th November 2013 at the UWE Conference Centre in Bristol. Bristol prototyping and model making specialists Amalgam will be there, offering free advice on Product Prototyping, general product development and a range of allied subjects, all relevant to inventors, innovators and designers looking to turn their good ideas into commercial realities. The Venturefest show is in it’s third year and promises to be better than ever. Our stand at the 2012 show
drew a steady stream of visitors throughout the day asking a wide range of questions about Product Prototyping, Product development, CAD, 3D printing and much more besides. This year we are back, with a range of samples showing some of the processes we can offer for product prototyping, case studies of previous work and up to four prototyping specialists covering all aspects of 2D & 3D Design, Prototyping, CNC machining, Vacuum Casting and high-resolution 3D printing – all with the aim of helping visitors get their ideas to market.
If you have not registered yet then click this link to avoid missing out on on of the best events of the year for innovation and Product prototyping / development in Bristol and the South West.