Here’s another article from our series chatting to the Amalgam makers about their hobbies and…
Royal International Air Tattoo – 19-21 July 2019

The Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford is the largest of its kind in World and in its 48th year. Amalgam Modelmaking are pleased to be attending this year and invite people to join them for informal networking, and to learn more about out how they have worked with many of the organisations present at the show.
Amalgam Director Mike Harvey says “In our 35 years of being in business we’ve seen astonishing progress in aerospace advancements. Over that time we’ve been extremely pleased and privileged to have worked with a number of the organisations involved with those achievements, some of whom are at the show.”

Mike goes on to say “We’re particularly looking forward to seeing the Spitfire, which we had some involvement with in the model-making arena, but we will also be heading off to see British astronaut Tim Peake inspire the next generation of space wiz-kids.”
The show organisers have already confirmed some of the aircraft on display, which include two Spanish Navy Harriers, the Ukrainian Su-27, US Air Force F-16 Viper Demo Team, Frecce Tricolori, RAF F-35B Lightning. They have also created this short video about the show, which can also be found on their website:
For more information about the show, please visit our website at (under 18’s go free).
If you can’t make it this year, future dates are already announced – so save the date:
- 2020 – 17, 18, 19 July
- 2021 – 16, 17, 18 July
- 2022 – 15, 16, 17 July