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Paul Galloway | Custom Motorcycle Helmets

Paul Galloway Motorcycle Helmets - Amalgam Models

Here’s another article from our series chatting to the Amalgam makers about their hobbies and interests, and how they interplay with their day job (and vice versa). Meet Paul, one of our Senior Project Managers. In his spare time he customises motorcycle helmets that are imported from Japan. Word on the street is he’s also writing a book, so we caught up with him to find out more…

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Elaine Carr | Outdoor Art

Elaine Carr - Amalgam Modelmaking - gate art (Edited)

Introducing Elaine Carr – she’s one of Amalgam’s senior makers. Elaine has a post-grad in Scenic Art but can turn her hand to pretty much anything. She’s worked in almost every department at Amalgam and has a varied portfolio of skills and experience. We talked to her about what she likes to do outside of office hours, especially her passion for creating artwork inspired by her love of geometry, pattern, architecture and big concrete buildings.

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Made In Britain Membership for Amalgam

Made in Britain Logo with boarder cropped

Amalgam Modelmaking are delighted to have been accepted into the Made In Britain community of manufacturers, entitling them to use the world recognised and registered collective mark.

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Joe Gomm | Bespoke Furniture

Joe Gomm with his furniture - Amalgam

From time to time we like to share the hidden talents of our brilliant makers, so meet Joe Gomm, one of our vacuum casting technicians. In his spare time he makes beautiful bespoke furniture like these rather striking coffee tables. We asked him more about how he makes his furniture and what inspires him.

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Matt Quick | Handmade Bamboo Guitar

Matt Quick Amalgam model maker

We love finding out about our team’s talents and what interests them outside of working at Amalgam. For example, this is Matt – he’s one of our senior model makers (architecture) and he loves working with wood. He also loves a challenge and we discovered that in his spare time recently, he decided to make a guitar. From scratch! We caught up with him to find out more about this hidden skill…

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Scale Models Weston founder – Norman Hill

Scale Models Weston, is a name known to many in our industry as producers of maritime models of all sorts for very many years.  At Amalgam we were sad to hear recently that the founder of the company, Norman Hill, has sadly died after a long fight with leukemia.

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Amalgam gains Cyber Essentials Certificate

Cyber Essentials Badge (High Res)

Bristol-based Amalgam Modelmaking has once again gained their Cyber Essential Certification. After verification of their self-assessment against the Cyber Essentials Standard, assessors BIP Solutions Ltd confirmed that Amalgam met the standards for the scheme. The certification was hence renewed in August this year.

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